COP3 Assessment £550

A CoP3 Capacity Assessment is a mental capacity assessment written up in the form of a Court of Protection Form. The court form is numbered 3 – hence the name Court of Protection 3. 

Just Health have vast experience of carrying out COP3 Assessments. Depending on the decision being assessed, the assessment is either covered by the Mental Capacity Act (2005) and the two-stage test or another legal test such as Dunhill v Burgin (2014). 

We assess mental capacity on any specific question given. We write up a report called a CoP3 Form.

The assessment will usually be carried out for Property and Financial Affairs or Health and Welfare decisions.

In many circumstances the form can then be used to present to the Court. If the client lacks capacity, a deputy will be assigned to them.

Just Health provide an easy to use hassle free service with everything explained in simple, layman’s terms to the client. Our Cop3 Assessments include one visit to the client’s home, an assessment, travel, reading time, competition of the documentation.

Ring 01282 936900 to book your assessment.
