DOCTORS Join Our Panel

Doctors Panel

Just Health provides medicals for drivers, which include HGV, PCV, LGV Taxis, motorsport, Safety Critical Workers Medicals  and many others.

Doctors Join Our Panel, We are always keen to hear from experienced doctors that can carry out  Professional DVLA Driver Medicals  in your area .

We offer a bespoke package to any Doctor with exclusivity for your area. Unlike other Medical agencies we are Doctor focused and hope to develop a long term relationship.

We offer:

  • a long term commitment to you.
  • direct support from our Lead Doctor.
  • advanced advertising methods that are tailored to your area.
  • Flexible work hours
  • Fast payments

We are confident we will be the number one agency for sport, sea and driver medicals in your area.

If you are interested in joining our panel of doctors please get in touch.


Our Team already includes Hospital Doctors, A&E Consultants, General Practitioners, Diabetic specialist doctor, Occupational Health Doctors, Research Doctors, Medicolegal Clinicians.

We also have Community pharmacists, Health Care Assistants, Health Care Managers, and a Superintendent Pharmacist supporting our Medical team.

hgv Medicals Lancashire