Sick Note / Fit Note
Been off work sick? and you need a doctor’s note to return to work? We are happy to help. Here at Just-Health, we provide you with a sick note (fit note certificate) for your employer.
Usually, if you are off work for less than 7 days you will not need to provide evidence that you have been sick, hence, your GP may not issue a sick note. Private sick notes are issued by our Just Health Doctor from the first day you are off work.
If you’ve been off sick for more than 7 days in a row (including non-working days such as weekends and holidays) Your employer will require a ‘fit note’ (sometimes called a ‘sick note’) from a doctor. We understand how difficult it is to get an appointment with your GP, a sick note can be issued privately by our doctor, simply book in for a 15-minute consultation.
Feel free to give us a call for more information.