Lasting Power Of Attorney Assessment For Health & Welfare £550
A lasting power of attorney (LPA) is a legal document that lets you appoint one or more people to help you make decisions or to make decisions on your behalf if you lose the mental capacity to look after your affairs.
There are 2 types of LPA
- health and welfare
- financial affairs
Our Team will undertake the capacity assessment to establish if you have the capacity to appoint someone to look after your affairs. Our assessments are comprehensive, time specific and highlight a person’s wishes.
The assessment is covered by the Mental Capacity Act (2005) and the two-stage test.
If it is deemed an individual lacks capacity to appoint a Lasting Power of Attorney you will need a COP3 capacity assessment, our team can help and assist you.
Just Health provide an easy to use hassle free service with everything explained in simple, layman’s terms to the client. Our LPA Assessments include one visit to the client’s home, an assessment, travel, reading time, completion of the LPA documentation, and issuing a certification (assuming the client is deemed to have capacity). We are able to complete both types of LPA documentation at the same assessment if required for a discounted rate.